Is it hard moving to Spain? So, is it hard? Well to put it in to perspective I finished my career in the military and we hit a bit of a bump, you know when you sit there and say 'What now?' and you almost wait for someone to push you in the right direction, well, we were there. Five months later we are sat writing this blog from Spain. But anyway, rewinding back to the start. We started looking at what we were going to do and I think we both wanted to have a change of scenery. We both have an interest in teaching and that is where we came across teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). We both bought an online course and did it in our own time. We decided that we were going to move in with my family, we both found jobs and for three months we basically worked, ate and slept. We managed to save a steady amount of money to set us up for moving and when the time came we booked a flight arriving in Valencia airport on the 29th of December 2017. The on...